Dignity San Fernando Valley has the following special annual ceremonies/celebrations:
Our Lady of Guadalupe on the Second or Third Sunday of Advent (whichever is closest to DEC 12th)
Advent Day of Recollection
Christmas Eve Mass
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - January 18-25
Winter CARNIVAL season culminating on Carnival/Alleluia Sunday and Mardi Gras celebration (King Cake!)
Ash Wednesday
Stations of the Cross/soup dinner during Lent
Lenten Retreat or day of recollection
Good Friday liturgy with Taize-style prayer around the cross
Easter Vigil Mass
Earth Day and the Greening of the Cross (around April 22)
Mary in May
Chapter Anniversary/ San Fernando Rey- May 30th
PRIDE in June
Mary Magdalene in July (closest to July 22nd)
Summer ORDINAL season: The bulk of the year offers us opportunities to explore various spiritualities and honor particular patron saints and be creative in Ordinary Time.
Season of CREATION Sept. 1 to Oct. 4 and LGBTIQ History in the month of October
Dias de los Muertos offrenda/All Souls (Nov. 2) Remembrance of the Dead altar in the month of November