“The Season of Creation” is a subset within Ordinary Time that begins with the Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1 and runs through the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi on October 4. This is an ecumenically Christian response to the issues of climate change. Of note: The Jewish New Year honoring the creation of the world is celebrated typically in September during this same timeframe.
Numerous organizations have sprung up for the implementation of Laudato Si. Other resources for this Season of Creation can be found at:
The Catholic Church has been a little slow in fully implementing this. The USCCB website has some resources, most notably a bulletin insert from 2017:
It includes links to Catholic Climate Covenant:
The papal encyclical Laudato Si can be found (in English) on the Vatican website:
(It is also available there in a variety of languages.)
This gives us two special occassions during the churchyear to celebrate creation spirituality! Earth Day in April being the other: